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Thursday, September 3, 2020


Kita bicara soal politik di media sosial dan kedai kopi. Pelbagai pegangan dan pendapat di bincang. Pelbagai statement di publish oleh para politikus di akaun peribadi masing2. Dikutip dan di viralkan oleh si pembaca, si pengampu, atau self proclaim penganalisa politik. 

Red bean army (RBA) apatah lagi. Memang kerja cari isu, perbesarkan isu, mengadu domba, memporak peranda. Gaji masyuk. So begitulah antara warna2 politik tanahair. 

Kelihatan kerajaan of the day sekadar bertahan selama mungkin. Nak kata stabil, jauh sekali. 

Blok pembangkang hampir sama kekuatan bala tenteranya. Safe to say situasi 50-50, can go either way anytime of the day. 

Masalahnya blok pembangkang masih berpecah belah. Ada blok DSAI & ada blok TM. Itu yg tak best. No solid block. PRK slim river tempoh hari merupakan indicator yg sungguh pahit di blok pembangkang, rakyat tolak mereka masuk longkang kot. 

BN pun bergolak juga. Ada yg nak depa on their own, rasa power dah. Ada yg nak kukuhkan MN with PAS alone. Ada yg nak PBBM pun join skali dlm MN. BN dah sound tak nak join MN as registered official member. PAS pulak don't mind joining MN, demi untuk kukuhkan gomen of d day. Kiranya blok gomen pun carca marba juga, tak solid lagi as a block. 

Hopefully dlm masa terdekat ni a clearer picture will taking shape for both side. 

Rakyat senang decide if PRU-15 terbentuk dwi party system untuk di pilih, A or B. 

Sebagai selingan kita hayati 2 kisah di bawah ini..



A father told his 3 sons when he sent them to the university:

"I feel it's my duty to provide you with the best possible education, and

you do not owe me anything for that. However, I want you to appreciate it.

As a token, please each put $1,000 into my coffin when I die."

And so it happened. His sons became a doctor, a lawyer and a

financial planner, each very successful financially.

When their father's time had come and they saw their father in the coffin,

they remembered his wish.

First, it was the doctor who put 20 X $50 notes on the chest of the deceased.

Then, came the financial planner, who also put $1,000 there.

Finally, it was the heartbroken lawyer's turn. He dipped into his pocket,

took out his cheque book, wrote a cheque for $3,000, put it under his

father's body, took the $2,000 cash and closed the

coffin's lid.......

He went on to become a member of Parliament.


A female CNN journalist heard about a very old Jewish man who had been going to the Western Wall to pray, twice a day, every day, for a long, long time.

So she went to check it out. She went to the Western Wall and there he was, walking slowly up to the holy site.

She watched him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turned to leave, using a cane and moving very slowly, she approached him for an interview.

"Pardon me, sir, I'm Rebecca Smith from CNN. What's your name?

"Morris Feinberg," he replied.

"Sir, how long have you been coming to the Western Wall and praying?"

"For about 60 years."

"60 years! That's amazing! What do you pray for?"

"I pray for peace between the Christians, Jews and the Muslims."

"I pray for all the wars and all the hatred to stop."

"I pray for all our children to grow up safely as responsible adults and to love their fellow men."

"I pray that politicians tell us the truth and put the interests of the people ahead of their own interests."

"How do you feel after doing this for 60 years?"

"Like I'm talking to a wall”


Org berbudi kita berbahasa.

Is it possible utk bersatu hati & bekerjasama, bukan saling cucuk menyucuk & tikam menikam. Kita bersangka baik sesama Islam. Berjuang demi agama, bangsa & negara? Atau apakah ini sesuatu yg mustahil dlm politik? 

Kerana Bangsa lain agak bersatu padu & kukuh persaudaraan mereka. Boleh sama2 kita bincang secara inteligen & berhemah. Letak emosi ke tepi sebentar. 


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